Growing Money During Inflation 2


By Abrahamic Trader Editor

Growing Money during Inflation


This task holds immense significance as the construction of economies demands not only mental fortitude and faith but also financial resources. The absence of the latter jeopardizes the former. However, there exists a straightforward solution for those with attentive ears and obedient hearts, a solution divinely provided by God.

Abrahamic assignments revolve around obedience, diligent effort, and heeding God's commands to either "rise" or "rest." We find ourselves in another historical moment highlighted by God—an era dominated by the imminent threat of inflation, a monster forewarned and now loudly echoing across the globe.

Inflation, though menacing, presents divine opportunities for financial realignments, adjustments, and a chance to remain vigilant with prepared resources. It functions as a cash depleter, luring individuals into reckless spending. To combat this devourer, the key is steering clear of consumerism. While necessities like food, shelter, and clothing are unavoidable, embracing a simple lifestyle significantly reduces the risk of inflation feasting on your finances.

In times of inflation, view your cash as a seed. Resist the temptation of a consumer-driven lifestyle that needlessly depletes your funds. Consumerism, characterized by thoughtless spending, is the adversary during these times.

Strategic time investment is crucial amidst inflation. Avoid sinking your time into endeavors that lead you backward. Pursuing the wrong degree, irrelevant to your financial goals, is a futile exercise. Instead, channel your time into fruitful investments, and you'll reap surprising harvests in due course.

In times of inflation, planting seeds becomes paramount. It's not the opportune moment to "consume your seeds," meaning it's not the time to allow your finances to be depleted. Those contemplating a career change must act swiftly during inflation. Acquire education that is future-proof, declutter your mind, and refresh your perspectives. For those in business, the ability to learn rapidly is crucial.

What Not to Do During Inflation

Avoid Debt: Refrain from accumulating more debt, and resist the urge to apply for additional credit cards.

Organize Your Cash: Having cash during inflation is critical. Even if it's not a substantial amount, gather what you have and assess your financial standing.

Be an Outstanding Contributor at Work: In a climate of layoffs, maintaining a strong work ethic and character is pivotal. Strive to be an invaluable asset to your organization, reflecting Scripturally-prescribed excellence.

Explore Stock Trading: Stocks remain one of the best financial instruments. Understand the risks, employ effective risk management, and acquire proper education to become a profitable trader. Conduct thorough fundamental analysis and gauge public sentiments for sound decision-making.

Master the Art of Negotiation: Learn to negotiate investment deals and purchase assets at the lowest possible prices.

Anticipate Emerging Markets: Post-inflation, new market players will emerge, while some old ones fade away. When pursuing education, avoid degrees that are becoming obsolete.

Consider Penny Stocks with Caution: Look into penny stocks cautiously, understanding the associated risks.

Diversify Investments: Opportunities abound, so open your eyes to various investment possibilities.

Prioritize Mental Clarity: Your mind is a valuable asset. Clear your mind of clutter to foster creativity and discover new avenues for growth.


Post-inflation periods mark the emergence of fortified leaders and the realization of ideas conceived in challenging times. It's an opportune moment to build upon and expand what has been constructed during the inflationary era.